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강원대학교 얼쑤국문/일지


I changed my ear-phone which was made by epple company. This music tool is very good with simple design, white color, and sound control.

Today, also too boring and nervous. so I didn't want to study anything. I was surounded by wall unvisualed.


At that time, uneasily I decided to study Toeic Lc Part. I inserted my new ear-phone to smart phone and then touch 'play a music'. I expected to heard throught ear-phone because I already perfect preperation. but, my imagine was broken slightly.


Suddenly, students who sit in the our first study room could my english file sound, 'YBM sisa..' I efforded to calm down and stoped play button of my smart phone.  I was surprised so I could not study. today I felt that I would be crazied.


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