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강원대학교 얼쑤국문/일지

I met the best friend Today, I met the best firend. Toward 11 :30, I received calling to him. He told me that he had came in hometown yesterday and will go to the workplace. I requested to him coming my the second sity. Honestly, I want to eat tasty food but I don't have money enough. So, I hope that he buy delicious meal to me. My best friend easily ageed with it. I introduced my university I gradurated. Especially,.. 더보기
one day one have a meal Now a day, I have a meal once a day. After I saw the book's advertisment to claiming we have to eat one time one day in the newspaper, One day One meal, I decide to practice this book's opinion. As a result, my study became more easy and my account can economically save. My sinior students request to stop my project because they worry about my heath. But, I am very happy. Until now, I amt thinki.. 더보기
I wish I could return to the moment Is it possible to return to the momnet? If so, when do you want to return any time. let's change this problem. Let's assume that I am person who already came back from futher. Wow. So, today will be become importance. I never hesitante. I never spend my time on waste. remember. more than, I will not hope if I wish I could return to the moment. Right now, the time which I sinceraly wait for 더보기
suddenly I changed my ear-phone which was made by epple company. This music tool is very good with simple design, white color, and sound control. Today, also too boring and nervous. so I didn't want to study anything. I was surounded by wall unvisualed. At that time, uneasily I decided to study Toeic Lc Part. I inserted my new ear-phone to smart phone and then touch 'play a music'. I expected to heard th.. 더보기
oh! god! Today, I also have late awaked. From starting point, it was disappoint. These day, I surfer from concern such as money problem, unstable future, taking a certificate. When I sit my library seat, it already was at 9:30 a.m. So, I selected to read a daily newspaper. According to main topic of article, the union members who have fired illegally by company have came back thiers work place. after fin.. 더보기